Verb + “着”
- often states a mode of existence or state of being not necessarily involving any human agents or subjects. Examples:
- 在停车场停着两辆车(there are two cars parked in the parking lot);
- 后院长着三棵果树(in the back yard, there grow three fruit trees);
- 书桌上放着很多书(on the desk there are many books placed);
- 房间里关着几只狮子(inside the house there are several lions locked);
- 外面下着大雪(outside it is snowing);
- 黑板上写着很多中国字(there are many Chinese characters written on the blackboard)
- 树林里住着7个矮子(in the woods there lived 7 dwarfs)
- 书房的墙上挂着一张爸爸的照片(on the wall of his study room there hangs a picture of dad).
- 公园的椅子上坐着两位老人(on the bench of the park there sit two old people).
2. 着 also indicates the manner or state of existence; in terms of grammar and syntax, it is a form of adverbial modifier falling into the same place as time words (昨天、上个星期、去年、明天) and location words (图书馆、宿舍、学校、饭馆).
Pattern: Subj. + verb + 着 + real verb
HW 1: Drop the most suitable potential complements into each sentence 50%
1.买不起;2.看不清楚; 3.不见得; 4.坐不下;5.想不起来;6.放得下; 7.去不了; 8.看得懂; 9.睡不着; 10.做不完
- 你的车很小,______五个人。
- 他的中文特别好,_______中文电影。
- 那是很久以前的事,我现在____我小学的音乐老师的名字了。
- 今天老师给的功课这么多,我可______。
- 她写字写得那么小,我______。
- 你们离我那么远,我怎么______你们在说什么?
- 我们刚开始工作,现在还______那么贵的房子。
- 明天我很忙,______机场接你。
- 你的房间这么大,一定______三张床。
- 她____能马上买一个那么贵的电视,她学费还没付呢。
HW 2:Potential complements verb + 得/不 +adjectives (SV)
- 你想得起来想不起来上个星期四你去医院看病的时候医生跟你说的话?
- 你记得起来记不起来昨天跟你跳舞的那个人眼睛(yǎn jing, eyes)的颜色?
- 你说得出来说不出来你男朋友第一次吻(wěn, kiss)你那天的天气是什么样的?
- 你看得出来看不出来上个周末她跟你一起去看电影的时候高兴还是不高兴?
- 你听得懂听不懂昨天我们看的电影里那个法国人跟他爱人(lover)说的话?
- 你记得起来记不起来去年你在上海开会跟他一起喝的是红茶(black tea)还是绿茶?
- 你想得起来想不起来他跟你打球的时候穿的是红色的运动服还是黄色的?
- 你想得起来想不起来你们在公园玩的时候她唱的歌是中文歌还是英文歌?
- 你记得起来记不起来你们昨天喝咖啡是谁付(fù, pay)的钱?用的是现金(cash)还是信用卡(credit card)?
- 你想得起来想不起来你的律师跟你聊天的时候他说他太太是老师还是医生?
翻译 50% 例子:你想得起来想不起来你中学的英语老师叫什么名字?
- Are you able or not to recall the name of your first boyfriend / girlfriend in high school?
- Are you able or not to remember the birthday of mother/father is on which month which day?
- Are you able or not to recall the color of the car he drove last weekend?
- Are you able or not to remember the name of your first Chinese teacher?
- Are you able or not to recall who your roommate was during your first year in college?
- Are you able or not to remember what you ate last Friday evening at the school?
- Are you able or not to recall what you ordered when you first ate out with your boyfriend?
- Are you able or not to remember what you were doing (where you were) when you heard your dad died?
- Are you able or not to recall your impression (印象) of your boyfriend when he first dated (约会) you?
- Are you able or not to remember what color that shirt was she wore last Saturday at school dance party?