lesson 14 text mock

Write sentences in full, with the right choice of words.


跳舞 做瑜伽 树下打太极拳 散步
在博物馆工作很忙 得准备研究生考试 想减肥 想身材好看
3. 李文觉得丽莎的身材_______。
有一点胖 太瘦了 有一点瘦 不胖也不瘦
晚饭吃得越多越好 不吃早饭 午饭要吃饱 早饭要吃得少
在美国生活 在北京生活 在中国云南生活 上海生活
6.丽莎告诉李文美国人常常在______ 锻炼身体。
公园 家里 工作的时候 健身房
随便乱吃、熬夜 做瑜伽 去博物馆工作 晚起
8. 丽莎的身材很好因为她非常注意锻炼,可是他不_______。
想学太极拳 常跑步 喜欢瑜伽 重视饮食健康
跟李文的父母说中文 不跟李文说英文 不交房租 出去锻炼身体
身材好 很胖 工作很忙 常常开夜车熬夜

A equal to (不)等于 B; which is often synonymous with

(不)代表(daì biǎo) represent/(不)意味着 (yì weì zhe) signify/(不)说明 means

翻译下面的10句; (Do not do this part, or do for extra credit.)

  1. 我跟你一起开车去加州玩等于/代表/意味着/说明我愿意做你的女朋友。
  2. 她没去哈佛念书等于/代表/意味着/说明她不聪明。
  3. 井河从北京回来看暖等于/代表/意味着/说明他还爱暖。
  4. 哑巴没有跟暖说他爱她等于/代表/意味着/说明他对她没有感情。
  5. 我们今天上课来晚了等于/代表/意味着/说明您的课没有意思。
  6. 暖告诉井河她三次没给他回信等于/代表/意味着/说明她跟别人了。
  7. 你常常不来上课,不做作业等于/代表/意味着/说明你不想继续学中文了。
  8. 他送给你这么贵的电脑等于/代表/意味着/说明他在告诉你他喜欢你。
  9. 现在天气这么冷,你不穿大衣出去等于自杀。
  10. 她同意跟你去中国旅游等于/代表/意味着/说明他愿意跟你在一起。

翻译; 50%.

  1. That Nuan 暖 is happy to see Jinghe 井河 does not mean she does not love her husband the deaf-mute 哑巴.
  2. If they are unable to go to school, it’s the same as they can never go and live in the city.
  3. If you say “No” to him, it signifies that your job is gone.
  4. Your parents love you does not mean you can live with them without paying rent.
  5. Able to speak and listen to Chinese with comprehension does not mean you can read and write Chinese.
  6. To have been to college does not mean you are a nice person willing to serve the people who need your help.
  7. Give money to people who don’t have food to eat is (not) the same as caring for them.
  8. That he often says “Thanks” to you signifies that he does not think you are his real friend.
  9. What she said to you yesterday does not really represent her views (看法) of you.
  10. That he did not call you when you were sick does not mean he has found a new girl friend.