Chinese-English and English-Chinese translations represent high proficiency in both languages. The short speech below is well written and skilled in rhetorics. You can score merit points (up to 600) beyond your regular grade if your rendition is of high quality, with the same eloquence and expressiveness as in the original. You are welcome to try your hand at the projects below ⬇️ and perhaps begin your career as a professional translator!
Who should apply
- Native speaker of Chinese with native fluency in English, preferably with some experience as interpreter or translator;
- Language students with the equivalent of 202 level or higher, having had some cultural experience living in countries or geographical areas where the official language is not necessarily your mother tongue
- radio personality or talkshow host experience is a plus as your voice will be dubbed over the original Chinese soundtrack to replicate the same effects
Process and steps in close consultation with the teacher
- read over the original to comprehend the content, transcribe it if without a text;
- begin translating and consult the teacher when in doubt; produce a perfect rendition in diction, style and accuracy; do justice to the original narrative
- use such softwares as iMovie or Photoshop to dub your voice and/or write your new text into the audio clip, without compromising the original sound and visual qualities;
- make sure your text and/or voice gets displayed and heard in the same number of frames as the original so that the viewer has time to read and listen to your narration;
- save your project in .mov, mp4 formats so other people can easily access your work as a translator
Application Form
The translation can be done by one individual or by a group of people
Name(s) of the applicant(s)
- Print_______________ ; Sign ___________________;
- Print_______________: Sign ___________________;
- Print_______________; Sign ___________________;
Merit points to be credited in three installments:
- first 1/2 of the total score given out when both the Chinese and English texts prove satisfactory to the end user
- second 1/2 of the total score dispensed when the new video/audio clip is produced
- 《容隐法》Concealment Law among relatives (completed)
- 《城镇化》Urbanization (completed)
- 《欧洲突破内卷》Why no involution in Europe
- 《平庸之恶》Banality of Evil
- 《阿克顿》Acton
- 《富人的慈善》Charity of the Rich
- 《两种自由》Two kinds of Freedom
- 《权利与私有制》Power and Private Ownership
- 《女权主义》Feminism in China
- 《自由主义与现代文明》individualism and modernity