12课语法练习作业 Handwrite
竟然,complete sentences
- 你这么喜欢她,竟然没…
- 今天天气这么好,你竟然没…
- 现在已经晚上11点,你竟然还没…
- 她已经36岁了,竟然还没…..
- 这么好看的电影,你竟然….
- 这么又便宜又好看的衬衫,你竟然…
- 从学校到那个购物中心开车要一个小时,她竟然….
- 爸爸昨天刚告诉你的话,你竟然…
- 这么难的考试,你竟然…..
- 这么容易写的字,你竟然…
With its origin in Classical Chinese, 以 is used as a preposition in modern Chinese. In last lesson 以茶代酒 means “to use tea as wine”. In this lesson, 以 is used in 民以食为天, (people regard food as important as heaven); it is often used with the word “为”. 我以为你今天不来上课了。
- 以少胜多, triumph of a few over those greater in number
- 以和为贵, take peace as the most important
- 以人为本, take the people as the most essential
- 以攻为守, use offensive as the means of defense
- 以我为中心, take self as the center
- 以苦为乐, take hardship as hasppiness
- 以死为荣, takes death as glory (róng, 荣)
- 以眼还眼, 以牙还牙, take an eye for (还) an eye (眼); a tooth for a tooth (牙)
- 以毒攻毒, use poison to attack poison, vice against vice
- 以此为例, use this as an example
- 以天下为己任, take the world as one’s responsibility and duty
- 以危为安,以乱为治, treat danger as safety, and chaos and order
- 以仁安人,以义正我;pacify (bring peace to) people with kindness, correct Self with righteousness
- 勿以恶小为之,勿以善小而不为;Don’t do evil because it is small; don’t neglect doing good because it is small;
- 仁者不以盛衰改节,义者不以存亡易心;The benevolent would not change their morals because of prosperity or decline, the righteous would not change their heart in the face of life or death;
- 以小人之虑,度君子之心; use (/with) the worries or concerns of a petty person to surmise the mind of a gentleman;
- 政者,正也;子帅以正,孰敢不正?Politicians are just and impartial; if you lead by righteousness, who would dare be wicked?
- 或曰,“以德报怨,何如?” 子曰,“何以报德?以直报怨,以德报德”。People ask, “what about paying back grievances/complaints with kindness?” Confucius replies, “then, how to pay back kindness? (we) pay back complaints with integrity and righteousness, and kindness with kindness.”
量词 重复 translate, not part of the homework
- 这儿人人都很有钱
- 我天天都很晚睡觉
- 老师年年都去中国
- 他去饭馆次次都叫家常豆腐
- 姐姐的衬衫件件都是妈妈给她买的。
- 他月月都把工资花完
- 条条大路通罗马
- 我想你夜夜都睡不着
- 弟弟的鞋双双都是破的。
- 美国人家家都过圣诞节
要不是, complete sentences
- 今天的作业那么多,要不是…. 我根本做不完。
- 这个学校学费这么贵,要不是…. 我不可能来这上学。
- 要不是…. 她不可能认识我这个不喜欢说话的男人。
- 要不是…. 我不知道她还没有男朋友。
- 要不是…. 我今天考试不会考得这么好。
- 我的中文不会说得这么好,要不是….
- 我不会想到你吃素,要不是…..
- 我看不出她的心情不好,要不是….
- 要不是因为…. 美国不会去打阿富汗。
- 他才不会跟我一起去看电影,要不是….
看来, complete sentences
- 你的身体这么健康,看来…..
- 你连吃饭睡觉的时间都没有,看来……
- 她很喜欢跟男生一起去看电影,看来……
- 那个人从来不去买东西,看来…..
- 他们家的房子又大又漂亮,看来…….
- 你爸爸开宝马,你妈妈开大奔,看来…..
- 她每个学期的GPA都是4.0,看来…..
- 爸爸今晚把妈妈做的鱼都吃完了,看来…..
- 今天她穿得特别漂亮,看来……
- 昨天我的同屋特别不高兴,跟谁都不说话,看来…..