Use of de for what


她吃什么,我就吃什么。I’ll have whatever she is having.

但是what也有这样的句型:”what” is represent in Chinese by a “的” phrase

-爸爸给你的是一本书。What dad gave you was a book.

-例子:What I want to tell you is I am in love with you. 我想告诉你的是我爱你。


  1. 他们能做的,我们也能做。We can do whatever you can do.
  2. 你让她做的她都已经做完了。What you asked her to do, she already did.
  3. 刚才我跟你说的你可别告诉你的女朋友。What I just told you, don’t tell your girl.
  4. 过去的就让它过去吧。Let bygones be bygones.
  5. 要来的谁也逃(tá0, escape)不了。What will come, no one can run from.
  6. 你想的跟我想的一样。I am thinking whatever you are thinking.
  7. 除了那些你认识的谁也不可以进来。Other than those you know, no one is allowed in.
  8. 我昨天晚上跟你说的你还记得吗?Do you still remember what I told you yesterday?
  9. 没有钱买吃的用的。She cannot buy food and necessity 
  10. 爸爸希望的是妈妈的病早一点好。What dad hopes is mom soon get well.

  1. What they ate last night was home-style toufu.
  2. What my sister dislikes is you don’t often call her.
  3. What Wei-ming is most afraid (怕) is people know she has a daughter.
  4. What the director wants to say is market economy is bad for the poor.
  5. What Nuan hopes is Jing He is able to return and marry her.
  6. What I want you to know is consumerism also brings (带给) people jobs.
  7. What he does not understand (明白) is why you want to go to China now.
  8. What this film talks about is if new woman (新女性) is able to find freedom in China.
  9. What my parents don’t like to see the most is I have no friends.
  10. What you said just now would make my friends and family very upset.

的 without anything after it nominalize people by what they do, creating a special noun

  • 要饭的  beggar
  • 看门的 door keeper, gate keeper  门卫
  • 卖报的 newspaper vendor
  • 当家的 man/woman of the house
  • 吃软(ruǎn, soft)饭的 men who live off of women
  • 卖苦(kǔ, bitter)力的 coolie
  • 洗碗的 dish-washer
  • 没钱的 pauper  穷人
  • 拉lā车的 ricksha puller  车夫
  • 捡垃圾(lā jī, trash)的 scavenger
  • 卖肉的 butcher
  • 卖鱼的 fishmonger
  • 卖菜的 farm produce vendor
  • 剃tì头的 barber  理发师
  • 送信的 mailmen  邮递员
  • 修(xiū, repair)脚(jiǎo, foot)的 pedicure person, pediatrist
  • 检票的 ticket collector
  • 查(chá)电表的 electricity meter reader
  • 教书的 teacher 老师
  • 端(duān)盘子的 restaurant waiter 服务员
  • 听差chaī的 lackey, orderlies